Psychic Protection for Tele-Empaths - Part 2

Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Psychic Protection for Tele-Empaths' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!

Module: 1 Review

Most Tele-Empaths find their energy is congested after the following circumstances:-
1. Being in crowds of people
2. When they have been in contact with someone whose energy is negative
3. When they are going through negative states themselves

Did you notice you didn't get to sleep as well after these occasions? Did you notice your body felt tighter after these experiences? Did others affect your emotional and mental state? For most Tele-Empath's the answers is yes.

Did you notice as you progressed with the meditation and exercise, you either became more aware of these changes within you, as they were occurring or already started to feel, a little less effected? Chakra Clearing and Healing and being aware of your energy are two key things to maintain your energy as a Tele-Empath. These should be continued as a regular practise.

Be aware with all of the techniques I will teach you in this class, the more you do them, the more your energy will continue them, without you having to focus on them. While you are practising the techniques your energy is learning how you want it to behave. Your Soul's energy is very intelligent. When you put into place these energetic 'habits', after a while, your Soul will begin to practise them all the time, without your input.

In this module, we're going to explore why a Tele-Empath's energy structure is different to most other people and why. So let's begin...

What Happens to a Tele-Empaths Energy Field?

The first major difference, between a Tele-Empath's energy and others, is in the Chakras and Aura. These energetic patterns are caused by a set of experiences most Tele-Empath's encounter, during their journey in life.

In analysing the similarities from around 10,000 case studies, there are some common themes in the social and psyco-emotional experiences and the energetic influences I have witnessed. These seem to be common for the majority of Tele-Empath's. These influences have helped you to develop Tele-Empathically and have been 'gifts'. Without them, you would not have this marvellous ability to pick-up energy.

See if you can relate to any of these...

Family/ Upbringing
Most Tele-Empath's will notice the following about their childhood:-

Their parent/s or caregivers were authoritarian, choleric, organised and structured, less emotionally orientated and more mentally and materially driven.

Their experiences as a child lead to great joy at being in nature and around animals.

In school years they were often outcasts, either socially within their 'group' or in the 'outcast' group. They felt sensitive at school and as though 'no one truly understood them'.

As a young teenager they may have felt unsure as to whether earth life is really 'home'.

They felt/feel isolated, different and alien to the world.

They have had an inner 'knowing' that they are here to do something special, even if they don't know what it is yet.

They felt no one understood them as a child and very 'different' to others.

Sociological Implications.
There is a much higher incidence of people in the world with this gift, because of the social implications affecting all people at this time. Some key social implications are:-

Suppression of women and yin energies up until the 70's – creating a focus on materialism and 'doing' rather than being. This created a group of caregivers/ parents focused primarily on the material, practical and on achievement - or yang based energies. This imbalance has altered the Human Aura patterning.

Computer technology – assuring the disconnection of society groups on a physical level and a focus on mental pursuits. As well as this, the increased wireless 'waves' influencing the bodies energy systems have created a greater sensitivity to misfiring energy in the body's Central Nervous System.

Religious influences over thousands of years, focusing on a separateness from 'God', 'God' being an external being that only the treasured few have access to. This has taken away from the concept of the Divine being in every single person and stopped people from acknowledging their internal Divine gifts - as their Divine Birthright.

Education in schools being more focused on the mental rather than emotional states. This has created a lack of emotional intelligence and understanding of our feelings.

Money focus. This has created a goal-based system of achievement, which again takes the focus from being 'present', to futuristic thinking.

An increase in psychological 'understanding' and social acknowledgement of mental 'disorders'. In our attempts to label and prescribe, we have isolated those who are different or gifted as being 'abnormal'.

Pharmaceutical medications. The greater use of medications and 'biological symptom treatment' has greatly increased the misfires in energy within the body's vibration. This has created weaknesses in the body's central nervous system, creating a higher impact of energy reception from Tele-Empathy. The use of Pharmaceutical medications has also caused a sense of psychological weakening in self-power. As a society we no longer believe we can 'heal thyself'.

Spiritual Shifts
Alongside the social shifts, we have also unconsciously been exposed to spiritual shifts dictated for our planet by the Universal growth period we are in.
Theoretically the north and south poles shift each year (dipole theory). As energetic beings we are supported and given energy by the Earth's magnetic current. When this current of energy shifts, our own energetic current also shifts, making us a bit 'lopsided' and more susceptible to picking up the energy of others as our own field is no longer strongly grounded.

In terms of Universal Consciousness, we stand on the brink of a massive shift in the consciousness of all beings in the Universe. Similar to predicted prophecies by the Mayans and the Hopis, our awareness is increasing. We will be shifting into a new level of awareness and love, as our energetic frequency increases. What better way to understand others, than to feel, sense, hear and see, through their thoughts and inner voice. As we become more aware of others, we take a step closer to Oneness with all else in the Universe. All Tele-Empath's are healers and bring much light and harmony to the planet.

What I hope to get across in showing you my analysis of the historical, sociological and spiritual implications is literally, that you are meant to have this gift. You have it for a reason. Once we work on the psychic protection issues, you are going to love being a Tele-Empath, because of all of the wonderful blessings this gift brings. If you have been fighting your Tele-Empathy, I invite you to stop and instead, embrace it.

What Happens to a Tele-Empath's Energetic Field?
So how do these experiences change a Tele-Empath's Chakras and Aura? Let's look now at the energetic patterning of your Aura and Chakras. I'm presuming here that you know a little already about Chakras and the Aura. If you don't, please revisit Pure Spirit Volume 1 or 2 for a refresher.

Take a look at picture A above. This is a 'normal' balanced human Aura, showing the Chakras extending out into the Aura's four levels, the Etheric, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Layer.

Take a look at picture B now. The energy of the Aura is like water in a river. It flows up the back, collecting energy from the earth and down the front collecting energy from the Universe.

It should always flow unobstructed, like a free flowing river. Imagine throwing a few rocks in a river. What happens? You either create rapids or you may dam up the river. The same thing can happen to our energy. A river can also have a lot of water or not much at all, forcing the riverbed to dry up. Our energy is the same.

See picture C now. A Tele-Empath's Aura has a large dip in the back of the Aura's flow and some or all of the front Chakra cones are extended, while the back cones are not as extended. The back Chakra cones are also usually congested with energetic muck from various sources.

Remember, ideally our Chakras and Aura look like picture B. So a Tele-Empath is more lopsided, having more energy in the front of their Chakras and Aura.

The back of the Aura Chakras is the place where we receive energy. The Front of the Aura and Chakras is where we give energy away. You can think of the back as yin (stillness, receiving) and the front as yang (action, giving) or the back as subconscious and the front as what we are conscious of.

If there is a dip in the back of our Aura, we are more susceptible to picking up vibrations of thought or emotion from the energy of others around us, on a subconscious level.

If there is congestion in our Chakras or Aura, it is like damming up our river of energy, blocking its flow. When a river is dammed it accumulates much junk at the dam point. The same is true when we have congestion in our energy. Only, because we feel terrible, all we attract is other terrible energies, which get stuck there! The result, we carry around with us a whole bunch of emotions, thoughts and spiritual energies, which are not our own. This may make us feel horrible mentally and emotionally. We may not feel like ourselves and our health is also very negatively affected, because the body systems are not getting enough life-force.

If the riverbed at the back of our Aura is dried up, it creates a lack of energy flow into our Central Nervous System. The Earth Flow up the back of our Aura feeds life-force energy into our Central Nervous System. Each Nerve Plexus then feeds energy into our Endocrine Glands and other organs in our body. You can see a picture I have dubbed Chakras onto (right) to show this.

Your physical body is an exact reflection of your Aura's energy. Take a moment, if you can, to go and stand in front of a mirror. Remove your clothes and shoes, so you can see your naked body without any clothing obstructing it.

Stand side on and look at the back of your body. Is your spine straight? Or do you have a dip in your lower back, perhaps a 'pot belly' at the front beneath your belly button? What about the area of your Solar Plexus? Is it protruding? Do your bottom and/or thighs have excess weight on them? Does the spine at the base of your neck have a (perhaps calcified) mound there? This is a very common body shape for a Tele-Empath.

A Tele-Empath tends to manifest their body shape, clearly showing how the energy of their Chakras and Aura is flowing. The body is so intrinsically linked to the energy of our being, it exactly reflects our energy state.

An Interesting point... Many Tele-Empath's will tell me they have tried everything to loose weight, but cannot seem to with diets and exercise. If this is an experience you are having, watch the weight drop off, as you continue with the exercises in this class. Tele-Empath's don't draw up enough earth energy. The organs linked to the Solar Plexus do not receive enough energy. This forces many to crave sweets. They crave sweets, because life is not sweet enough. They are not enjoying the energy of it. If you crave sweets or have put on weight that you can't get off, you'll find this course has another added benefit! As most Tele-Empath's practise the energetic exercises, the weight naturally drops off all by itself!

Chakra Patterns & Tele-Empaths
Tele-Empath's have a predictable Chakra pattern, with varying degrees of effect. Remember when you looked in the mirror? See which of your Chakras are being affected, by how your body shape was.

The Most Common Chakra Pattern for Tele-Empath's is:-

ChakraEnergy PatternBody Shape/ Symptoms
Base ChakraCongested and disconnected from Earth Source. Cellulite or more weight around buttocks and upper thighs
Sacral ChakraExpanded at the front, weak at the back. Pot Belly or lower back problems
Solar Plexus ChakraExpanded at the front, weak at the back. Protruding stomach under ribs, ache or common feeling of stiffness in back area
Heart ChakraExpanded at the front, weak at the back. Aching shoulders, large or flattened breasts, protruding sternum.
Throat ChakraExpanded at the front, congested at the back. Knot or calcification at base of neck on the spine
Third Eye ChakraCongested, front and back. tightness in top of neck on one side or both
Crown ChakraCongestedMigraines

Each Chakra looks after a certain aspect of life, our Soul and our worldly experience. Let's go through each Chakra and see why these patterns may be occurring:-
The Base Chakra is strongest and clearest when we love connecting with others in the Earth tribe. For most Tele-Empath's connecting with others has been a combination of feeling different, alien to the world, hurt by the harshness of others and a general sense that one does not belong to this world.

As a result of these feelings, energetically a Tele-Empath naturally clogs up their Base Chakra, creating a natural barrier, between themselves and the world. They are not good at receiving energy, but much better at giving it to others. Tele-Empath's don't allow themselves to receive energy from Mother Earth. This affects the amount of energy their Central Nervous System draws up from mother earth. Their vital organs and endocrine glands do not get enough energy. At some stage in their life, the usually damage L4 or L5 in the lower back, as the body screams, trying to get them more present to themselves or more grounded. Grounding is an essential practise for Tele-Empaths and we'll talk more about this soon.

When the Base Chakra is clear and connected to the Earth, a Tele-Empath will find Earth a beautiful place to live, her people are miracles in themselves and living here is a blessing. Calling in their full power to receive, a Tele-Empath can help clean up the earth, heal the earth and other people, finding a deeper meaning to this whole experience.

Because of their natural lack of connection with others, a Tele-Empath will create many boundaries between themselves and others. In their intimate life a Tele-Empath may not share themselves completely with their partner, feeling as though they are holding back.

Due to the fact they are always giving to others, trying to please others and looking after others, their energy creates a natural outward flow in this Chakra, thus the protrusion at the front. This 'boundary setting' or pushing energy is yang based.

The Sacral Chakra's ideal flow is yin or receiving, especially for women. Here (for women) sits the wisdom of the perfect Inner Priestess you are. Her power comes from receiving what she needs, rather than racing around trying to get it. When a Tele-Empath stops, learns to be and is, they hold tremendous power. They are miracle workers in healing and can hold Divine Presence in the most miraculous ways.

Because a Tele-Empath has naturally kept everyone at a distance, they may never have shown their true self to anyone.

Relationship is the mirror of our consciousness. Through communicating with those we love and whose opinions we respect, we get to see if we're ok. If what we're thinking is ok. If who we are is ok. Our tribe around us is paramount to helping us develop a concept of ourselves. The input of those we value, serves to help us define ourselves.

Because a Tele-Empath has never had this connection with others, they naturally feel insecure, self-conscious, uncertain of their worth and unsure of themselves. They have never truly had the validation from others they trust, because the have never actually shown themselves. Energetically, because of this natural insecurity, a Tele-Empath's Solar Plexus Chakra will extend forward, again as a defence mechanism, stopping others from seeing who they really are.

When a Tele-Empath finally feels safe enough to show themselves and gets that validation, they have long hoped for... look out world! here they come!!! One of my greatest gifts in working with Tele-Empath's is witnessing their transformation, as they activate in their Solar Plexus, accepting their gifts as gifts, not hindrances. When I see them step into their power transformed, nothing can be more rewarding than watching this activation. I hope to see this transformation for you all.

Two things affect the Heart Chakra of a Tele-Empath. Commonly, they feel responsible for everything and everyone. A Tele-Empath is so good at everything they do and everyone else knows it, they usually get burdened with helping others. They do not say 'no', because to this point, their only sense of feeling good about themselves, comes from helping others. Their sense of personal power comes from knowing they can. It can also form from the gratitude others bestow upon them. This sometimes creates co-dependant relationship and a martyr complex.

Because of this constant giving of self, the Heart Chakra is extended at the front, leaving the back naked of energy. Reluctantly a Tele-Empath may say yes, even when they wish to say no. When a Tele-Empath learns to be of service without self-sacrifice, they will only give when their cup of life is overflowing. And only give what is overflowing, after ensuring their needs are met first. This helps everyone because there is not the associated guilt attached to the giving and the Tele-Empath WANTS to give, from the bottom of their heart, because they are full and overflowing.

To give, unattached by what you receive back, is total freedom.

This Chakra is the 'energy' Chakra. It is open and clear when we let our energy flow. Energy flows must contain both yin and yang, receiving and giving.

Due to the fact that most Tele-Empath's are not receiving energy, they are out of balance. Yang (giving) is strong, while yin (receiving) is nonexistent. This normally makes most Tele-Empath's form a knot at the base of their throat on their spine, where their energy culminates. They block their natural flow of chi to their body and congestion occurs.

This is where one of the major differences for Tele-Empath's comes into play. A Tele-Empath cannot clear their energy as well as others through stillness. They must be actively moving. Experiences like Tai Chi, Yoga, Chakra Dance or body work like Shiatsu or Kahuna Massage will be much more effective in clearing a Tele-Empath's energy field. They must physically move, to clear their energy field. Meditation and self-healing will only work to a degree, but spiritual movement, while clearing works much better.

Once a Tele-Empath masters their energy, the Universe of knowledge, becomes a playground they can explore, unobstructed.

A Tele-Empath's telepathic gifts come from the back of the Third Eye Chakra. This is where the Cerebellum portion of the brain picks up thought vibrations from the environment.

The Third Eye Chakra is energised by the Solar Plexus Chakra. Because the Solar Plexus is in a constant state of uncertainty and whirling energies and questions stop it from being stable, a Tele-Empath's Third Eye Chakra is never energised enough. Because this Chakra is so undernourished, a Tele-Empath often draws to themselves more negative energy, than positive.

As these energies flow in, two points in the meridians get blocked here, creating the stiffness in the upper neck, so many Tele-Empaths experience. When this blocked feeling is primarily on the right side, it is emotional negativity being picked up. When it is primarily on the left side, it is mental agitation they are drawing in.

The Third Eye Chakra is also extended at the front because a Tele-Empath thinks so much about everything. With the excess energy here, they usually find it hard to make decisions, they feel 'safe' about and often feel blocked when trying to move forwards.

The Third Eye Chakra represents the element of 'Light'. The front cone represents the light polarity of light and the back represents, the dark polarity of light. Often Tele-Empaths will experience negative 'dark' thoughts about themselves and will pick up what others may be thinking or judging about them.

They also experience varying degrees of active and passive telepathy. 'Active' telepathy is possible when our minds and eyes are open. 'Passive' occurs when our minds and eyes are closed. If you have trouble meditating, try open-eyed meditations instead. Tele-Empaths also usually dream a lot and can sometimes pick up on other people's dreams when they are asleep. If you're interested in seeing how this could affect someone with very strong abilities, hire out the movie 'Thought Crimes'. It's dramatised Hollywood stuff, but it tells the story of a woman with these kinds of abilities and how they affect her. They've definitely got the way telepathy works right and the methods they teach her are very similar to some of the tools I'll be showing you in this class!

The gifts of the Tele-Empath are fully realised when a Tele-Empath opens their mind and becomes aware of how they are influenced. Judgements from others cease to be an issue and the Tele-Empath connects to realms of light in the Universe, with untold wisdoms to share with all of mankind.

When a Tele-Empath is fully activated energetically, Earth Star and Yang Chakras direct energy through their central channel as in the picture to the right (notice the arrows).

Because a Tele-Empath has trouble receiving, in the beginning, their Crown Chakra does not reach up into the Universe, as it is meant to. As a result a Tele-Empath will have trouble connecting in with their superior spiritual connections.

Their Crown Chakra may feel blocked. The energy points on the top of the head will become blocked and sore. They may also experience migraines.

When they allow their energy to flow, they will connect with the Spirit of the Universe and walk as one with their profound spiritual connection.

So with their energy ungrounded, unable to receive and constantly giving, a Tele-Empath's Soul system starves for energy. Life is not enriching, but painful and many Tele-Empath's reach the point of 'mental illness' because of this.

Imagine your energy is a tree, with your Sacral Chakra and Base Chakra your roots, your Solar Plexus and Heart the trunk and your Throat, Third Eye and Crown, your branches. A Tele-Empath in this state, avoids connecting with the lower Chakras and their life concepts. They may avoid connecting with the tribe, relationships, having true self awareness and giving and receiving with others. Energetically, this takes energy out of their trunk and roots, so they are only aware of their branches. They may feel comfortable being aware of only the upper Chakras, because this can be the only place where we connect with spiritual love at all. If a person does this, they will feel insanely detached from the ordinary world. This is not a fun place for anyone to be and is the pattern I've seen, that eventually leads to 'mental illness'.

In the last module I gave you the Chakra Blowing meditation. Did you notice that some Chakras were more difficult to breathe out into than others? These are the Chakras, which are most hindered or blocked for you. Notice which ones they were. These Chakras need more energetic work and you may want to ponder the concepts for these Chakra/s written above.

When Chakra Blowing, it is important to continue to extend the weaker Chakras rather than trying to 'pull in' the more extended ones. This will feel more comfortable for you and continue to expand your spiritual awareness. Chakra Blowing is one tool in a Tele-Empath's 'bag of tricks' that is very useful. The other tools most students find very helpful, work with the Aura.

The Human Aura
For your exercise this week, you're going to have to get to know your Aura a little better...

In terms of the Tele-Empath's Aura, generally speaking it is the back of the Aura which is the weakest. But let's now look more closely at the Human Aura. In the picture to the left, you can see that there are four layers of the Aura.

The Etheric Layer is a mirror image of the physical bodies energy. If you had cancer of the lungs, your Etheric Layer would be very dark, black and congested around the Heart. Most Tele-Empath's are aware of the blockages in their energy, getting a sense that they need clearing because it feels dense around them. If they do not take heed, they usually get sick.

The Etheric Layer extends from the outer layers of your skin to about 20 cm's away from your physical body. Let's try and feel it.

First we need to work out which is your passive and dominant energy feeling hand. Place your hands together just like the picture to the left and notice which thumb naturally rests on top.

The hand with the thumb on top is your dominant or yang/ projecting hand. The hand with the thumb on the bottom, is your passive yin hand. It is best to use your passive hand when you are trying to feel energy.

Take your passive hand and place it on your Solar Plexus (over your stomach where the bottom of your ribs come together). Very slowly draw your hand out further away from your body. (So slowly that you might only travel out 1 cm every 10 seconds.) Let your hand come out until it is 30cm (a foot) away from your body and then slowly bring it back to touch your body again. Do this a few times.

As you are doing this, notice if you sense any changes in your hand or in your body. Do you feel warmth, tingling, pressure, cold, a barrier at about 20cm's out or something else?

All people interpret energy in a different way. So you may experience other things that what is written above. Just notice what you feel.

The Emotional Layer is a mirror image of your emotional state. When you are happy it is freer and less complex. When you are in a dark mood, it is very dull and lifeless. When you take on emotional energy from others it will become toxic. The Emotional Layer extends from the edge of your Etheric Layer (20cm from your skin) to about 50cms away from your physical body. Use the exercise above and this time, let your hand come out to about 50cm away from you and then back in. Do this a few times and see what you notice. How does it feel different to the Etheric Layer?

Most people notice it feels lighter, less dense and a little harder to feel. This is because your Auric Layers become lighter or more fine as we progress further away from the physical body.

The Mental Layer is next. It extends from about 50cm's to about 70-80cm's away from your body. It contains all of the energy for your mental state and what thoughts you have picked up from others. Try the exercise again, but let your hand wander further out to about 80cm's. What do you notice? You might not feel anything at all in this layer, because its vibration is finer again.

Finally, the Spiritual Layer extends from about 80cms to about a 150cms away from you. This is very hard to feel, both because of the finer vibration and also most people's arms just aren't that long! So you might want to ask a friend if you can feel their Aura instead.

Your Auric layers expand whenever you do any spiritual work, like meditating or giving someone a healing, so these measurements may change.

For this weeks exercise, you're going to need to be able to visualise the Auric Layers around you. Take a moment now and imagine the Etheric Layer extending about 20cm's all around your body. Then imagine the egg shape of the Emotional Layer around that to about 50cms. Beyond that visualise the Mental Layer to about 80cm's around your body. Now visualise the Spiritual Layer extending to about 1.5 metres around you.

The technique I want you to try this week is called Auric Supercharging. I've created a meditation to guide you through the steps for this, which you can download below. It takes around 15 minutes.

Remember how a Tele-Empath's Aura is dipped in at the back. It does not draw energy up from the earth, up the back of the body. It probably also has a lot of OPS (other people's energy) in it right now as well. This technique helps you to clear out the stuck energy, recharge your earth flow, rebalance your Auric Layers, bring more energy to your Chakras and should make you feel very different! It involves breathing in Earth and Universal flows to top you up, just like the picture to the right.

When you're doing the technique, notice which layers of your Aura you are naturally drawn to 'supercharge'. When you visualise the breathwork the technique teaches you, where are you imagining your breath is flowing? How far away from you is it? When you become an expert at this technique you will be able to consciously do it to one layer of your Aura, you feel is being effected. For now, just notice which layer of your Aura you are most drawn to use it with.

I want you to breathe and visualise at least 5 breaths up the back of your energy and visualise at least 5 breaths down the front of your energy at the following times:-
1. When you wake up in the morning
2. Before you go to sleep at night
3. Before you go into a crowded place
4. At least once during the day (perhaps on your loo break at lunchtime!)
5. Whenever you are around a negative person

Please do this every single day of the week, except on the two last days. This will help you notice the difference when you don't do it. Continue with the questions from Module 1's exercise (below again for you) before bed and upon waking every day and just notice how you feel, as you work with this exercise.

In Module 3, we are going to explore some very simple everyday things you can do to increase your psychic protection. We're also going to look at the environment you're in and how to make some simple changes to improve your energy, easily and without effort. Please do not continue onto Module 3 until you've had time to do this exercise in full.

I look forward to continuing our journey in Module 3.

Relax & Enjoy!

Don't forget to return to and download the guided meditation that comes with this file! Search for the product and then click the 'download' tab, which you will only see, when you are logged in to the web site. Relax & Enjoy!

This Week's Exercise

Each night before you go to sleep and when you awaken, spend 2-5 minutes answering the following questions in your journal.

Each morning write a journal entry.
1. How did you feel when you woke up that morning?
2. Physically?
3. Emotionally?
4. Mentally?
5. Spiritually?
6. Did you sleep well?
7. Did you get to sleep ok?
8. On a scale of 1 to 10, (ten being the best and one being the worst) how do you feel right now?

At the end of the day write in your journal again:-
1. Did you notice a drop in your physical energy at any stage of the day?
2. What happened just before this?
3. Who was around you?
4. How were they feeling?
5. How did you feel today, annoyed, frustrated, sad, angry?
6. What were you doing before you felt this way?
7. Were you surrounded by happy or angry people?
8. Did your mood reflect your company?
9. How do you feel at the end of the day?
8. Physically?
9. Emotionally?
10. Mentally?
11. Spiritually?
12. On a scale of 1 to 10, (ten being the best and one being the worst) how do you feel right now?

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