Psychic Protection for Tele-Empaths - Part 1

Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Psychic Protection for Tele-Empaths' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!

What is a Tele-Empath? Am I a Tele-Empath?

Where did the Term 'Tele-Empathic' come from?
The term 'Tele-Empath' was coined by Avril to define a set of symptoms and gifts she was observing in her work with thousands of healings, readings and student sessions. You won't find much on the Internet about the term itself, except perhaps from other students like you, blogging out there in cyber space!

What does the term 'Tele-Empath' mean?
The term is a combination of the word 'telepathic' and 'empathic'.

The word telepathic means to 'hear' with ones 'inner' or 'psychic' ear, the vibrations of thought existing in the 3rd, 4th and/or 5th dimension.

We live aware of the 3rd dimension. The 4th and 5th dimensions exist in a state 'next to' our 3rd dimension and cannot be touched or experienced by most people. The 4th dimension is also sometimes called the 'Astral Plane'. It is dimension of energy, which stores the thoughts and feelings of humanity. Thoughts and feelings exist as energy and so when humanity is collectively going through a great deal of change, fear or anguish, the 4th dimension is filled with some very murky energy.

You may equate this to the way our earth is. Ground level, where we walk around, is like the 3rd dimension. The 4th dimension is like the sky. Sometimes it is filled with dark ominous clouds and sometimes, it is a really clear day. This is just like the 4th dimension's energy variance. Sometimes it's clear and joyous, when the majority of people in the world are happy. At other times, it is horrible and tense energy. You may have noticed this recently when the Victorian Bushfires occurred. Most Tele-Empathic people felt the sadness, anguish and fear that was 'in the air'.

Beyond the sky is space and the stars. Spirit Guides are 'Star Beings' or 'Light Beings', which exist in the 5th dimension and beyond. Similar to the way star light always shines to the earth, but we can't always see it, your Spiritual Guides are always emanating their Light from the 5th dimension, down to earth and to you.

The vibrations of thought a Tele-Empath picks up can be from other human beings in the 3rd dimension, like when you know someone is thinking of you, or is about to call you on the phone.

Tele-Empath's can also perceive the energies in the 4th dimension and are often affected by the state of 'Collective Consciousness' (the clouds in the sky) unconsciously. Feeling terrible when the world is hurting, because they are affected by other people's energy. When they are not aware of the fact that the feelings and thoughts going through their being are other peoples, it can get very confusing for a natural Tele-Empath. They may wonder why they feel so bad and even, think something is wrong with them, not understanding why they feel so deeply sad, angry or fearful at the time.

Tele-Empath's are also very able to 'pick up' on the wisdom from the realms of Spiritual Guides from the 5th dimension and beyond and with a little know-how, can 'tune in' to these messages, very easily.

Telepaths pick up this information in a way just like a television picks up a signal from a television station. The degree of clarity their tv set has with interpreting the information, varies greatly and most telepaths just experience this signal as interference with their own mind or static. This is because they don't know how to distinguish their own thoughts, from the thought energies of others. ('Others' being: other people, all other humans or Spiritual Guides.)

The term empathic comes from the word empathy, which means to empathise or 'feel' for another. An Empath is a person who has the ability to receive and hold onto the emotional vibrations of energy from other people, places or environments. They are different to people who are psychically 'clairsentient' (able to sense feelings, vibes or intuitions) in that they not only witness or observe the energy around them, but they also absorb it.

An Empath is a bit like a sponge and they often soak in the energies of others around them, without being aware they are doing this. As a result, they usually feel very effected when they are in environments or around people, who are negative/ stressful. They usually find themselves feeling a lot of negative feelings within themselves that seem unwarranted and 'like they don't belong to them'. This usually creates a natural need to avoid people, busy places and crowds and most Empath's unconsciously avoid these places. Their Soul guides them to do this, while they don't know how to psychically protect, because the congestion an Empath receives is very detrimental to their health, as well as their emotional wellbeing.

Interestingly enough most Empaths I've met, are guided to work in service industries, like nursing for example. Their Soul also naturally calls them to environments where their gift is needed to 'clean up'. As a result, most Empaths seem to have a love hate relationship with their jobs, knowing they need to be there, but feeling uncomfortable with what happens to their own life-force every day.

Is Everyone Tele-Empathic?
No. Tele-Empathy is only one gift of the many combinations possible.

What Are Some Common Signs of Being Tele-Empathic?
1. Ache in the back of the shoulder blades
2. Damage or discomfort in L4 or L5 of the lower spine
3. A tight 'knot' at the base of the neck (normally calcification)
4. A tight feeling at the top of the neck on either side where the neck joins the skull
5. Sometimes an 'ache' feeling in the stomach area, especially at the back of the body
6. After visiting with those who are stressed or going to places where there are a lot of people – feeling lethargic, exhausted and like you need to rest and be alone.

1. Being either ecstatically happy or incredibly sad with polarised emotions.
2. Never really feeling like you maintain a balanced state of happiness for a long period of time.
3. Feeling the importance of others needs, before self.
4. Feeling like there is something special for you to do.
5. Never feeling satisfied – always wanting and seeking more.

1. Drawn to spend time alone to regain mental optimism.
2. Being self critical and judgmental at times.
3. Worrying a lot.
4. Being aware of the (perceived) judgments from others.
5. Being a very competent and capable human being, who can achieve just about anything, you set your mind to.
6. Being able to mentally pick up new things very quickly.
7. Having an understanding of things, without being taught them.
8. Being unsure of your true worth or questioning this a lot.

1. Clairvoyantly Tele-Empaths often experience the energy of something and then interpret this information as an internal vision like a day-dream, often not feeling like they 'see' in meditations.
2. Clairaudiently Tele-Empaths hear through 'Telepathic Resonance', meaning they resonate with something, sharing their energy field with it and then hear, as if thinking its thoughts. Again this often causes them to be unsure if they have 'heard' something or just thought it in their own head.
3. Clairsentiently Tele-Empaths feel through internalising others feelings. This often makes them very successful healers, but also leaves them feeling like they have taken on a lot of other people's energy.
4. Psychic barriers, eggs, bubbles or shields DO NOT work for Tele-Empaths for psychic protection.
5. Tele-Empaths are normally natural channels and trance mediums, because they are so good at sharing other peoples energy.

Daily Experiences...
1. When they've been around negative energies or have a lot going on, most Tele-Empaths awake in the morning, feeling like they have been busy all night and have not gotten enough sleep.
2. If they are around a negative person, they take the other person's feelings on board.
3. At night sometimes a Tele-Empath's mind will not shut down and they often find it hard to get to sleep.
4. Tele-Empaths are natural over achievers, take on too much and go through periods of burn out.

Does this sound like you?

When did I become a Tele-Empath?
You've been Tele-Empathic since the day you were born. Tele-Empaths have a unique energy pattern within their Soul. As you're born with a Soul, this pattern comes with you from the day you are born. We'll discuss more about this energy pattern and how the knowledge of this pattern can help you live a life filled with more joy in Module 2.

Why Am I Tele-Empathic?
Let's take a look at the bigger picture for a moment...

No doubt you've felt a change in the air. People are waking up from a long sleep of ignorance and ego driven states of being. They are searching for meaning and contemplating the nature of their existence. In this change-over period, the world and all of her beautiful human children, need help. They need to become more sensitive to one another. They need to believe beyond the illusions of the 3rd dimension and accept that there is more to existence than the mundane everyday stuff, like paying bills, acquiring wealth and pushing others down to get ahead.

What better Divine Plan for the world is there, than sending a bunch of Old Soul Star Beings down to earth, who really feel for humanity, to help wake everyone else up?

These Old Souls, of which you are one, have chosen to come here, to step away from the realms of Light your Soul exists in, in your Spirit form. These realms are blissful planes of reality, where your Soul exists in a permanent loving state. It's why you've always felt that the conflict and the nastiness of others around you is 'wrong' and it doesn't have to be that way; Why you've always been identified with as 'sensitive' and why you've been searching your whole life for something that 'makes sense', more than the world around you does. Your Soul knows there is a better, more loving, way to live.

Your Soul is so beautiful and full of light, that every time you stand near another person, who is not filled with such light, your light washes upon them. Every day, just by existing, you are healing others on the planet. These other people give you their negativity, which you currently transmute into positive energy. You are helping to clean up the planet and inspiring others that loving one another, can be a permanent state of experience for everyone.

You've already been doing this 'job' your whole life and even if you did nothing at all, by just being here, your Light is constantly doing this. It's why others are drawn to you and why you've always felt compelled to help them.

The good news is, you can do this 'job', without being adversely effected yourself and this is what I hope to teach you in this class.

Are There Different Kinds of Tele-Empaths?
Yes. There are 5 main differences between Tele-Empaths. Primarily these differences are because of the energetic patterning a Tele-Empath is exposed to. We'll discuss more about this in Module 2.

Can I Get Sick As A Tele-Empath?
Absolutely. When the energy congestion is too much, you may experience 'Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness' – a serious state of being, which can make you feel emotionally unstable, anxious, experience panic attacks, feel mentally confused and physically very unwell. It is a fact that some Tele-Empaths have gone for so long without their gift being understood, they have been diagnosed with 'Mental Illness'. Of course not everyone reaches this level, but it can and does happen.

What is Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness?
Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness occurs when the energy from others around us jams up our own energy system. It's like a traffic jam within us, where there should be free-flowing traffic! Imagine a thousand cars sitting on top of you and you can begin to understand what people with Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness feel. When this happens we experience very negative symptoms of being blocked up on all levels.

People with Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness often ask me 'am I Mentally Ill or crazy?' The result of others energy in their own, makes them feel like they are not at all themselves. Tele-Empath's experiencing this level of energy imposts are NOT going crazy. Who am I to make a statement like that?

Well, I am in a unique position to give an opinion on mental illness. I have studied psychology, sociology and counselling at University. I have studied Diplomas in Shamanic and Soul Healing, Spiritual Healing, Parapsychology, Crystal Healing and am a Reiki Master Teacher. I have also worked with over 10,000 people as a medium and Tele-Empath. Since I founded Perfect Unison over 10 years ago, I have encountered many different people who have been labelled with different levels of 'mental illness'. I can tell you after witnessing what the different schools of thought believe and what I have seen in working with people, I believe 'Mental Illness' is a poor attempt to understand something that is much more complicated.

In my experience, those diagnosed as 'mentally ill' are usually out of balance and energetically effected. I have personally worked with hundreds of people who have returned to living normal, balanced lives through educating them about their own energy and teaching them techniques to learn about their self care.

As a society, we have nasal delivery technology and viagra for our sex lives, we have antibiotics for sickness, we have governments to tell us what to do – we need solutions for everything. Mental Illness is another solution to describe an experience one is having. The 'cures' given for these experiences usually don't feel right to the 'patient' and rightly so, as they often switch off the awareness one has of the energetic problem, leaving it seething there as an undercurrent. This simply creates more problems later on. As a short-term fix, when one is in danger of hurting self or others, these drugs can be useful, but beyond that, in my opinion, there is not a single Soul on the planet who is 'mentally ill'. With a little understanding and self care those who are willing, can transform their experience and live with bliss and clarity every day. If you're suffering from Tele-Empathic residue sickness and currently find yourself on anti-depressants, anti-anxiety medication or have been 'diagnosed' with 'mental illness', this class will truly change your life.

Sometimes Tele-Empaths feel like they're going a little mad because of all the imposing energies affecting them from others. If you feel like this sometimes, what you are experiencing is normal for your special gifts. Even better, if you learn how to use them properly, you'll really enjoy being a Tele-Empath, because being a Tele-Empath really is a very special gift, with lots of wonderful perks! So if you've been experiencing Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness or just feeling a little mad and unstable at times, welcome!

If you haven't had such severe symptoms as 'Tele-Empathic Residue Sickness', but can relate to the common things most Tele-Empathic people experience, welcome! This classes techniques will help you feel fantastic every single day.

Where to From Here?
Firstly, please feel free to ask any questions you may have about the information presented so far. No question is too strange and it's really important you understand each concept so far, so please ask.

Now you have a better understanding of what a Tele-Empath is, let's begin to see how you're currently affected by your gift.

1. This week, I'm giving you a copy of a meditation I've created called 'Chakra Clearing and Healing' as your meditation to do (daily if possible). It is about 30 minutes long.
2. I've also got an exercise for you to do now. It is an auditory one you can download below. It is about 9 minutes long.
3. I've also written some notes on your daily 'Life Experiment'. Please try and do this for 5 minutes morning and night each day.

Don't forget to return to and download the guided meditation that comes with this file! Search for the product and then click the 'download' tab, which you will only see, when you are logged in to the web site. Relax & Enjoy!

This Week's Exercise

You probably don't quite know why you're here doing this course quite yet, so before we go into too much detail, I invite you to take a really good look at your energy and where it may be congested this week.

While you're reading this, download the file below. Then, try the auditory recording exercise.

Each night before you go to sleep and when you awaken, spend 2-5 minutes answering the following questions in your journal.

Each morning write a journal entry.
1. How did you feel when you woke up that morning?
2. Physically?
3. Emotionally?
4. Mentally?
5. Spiritually?
6. Did you sleep well?
7. Did you get to sleep ok?
8. On a scale of 1 to 10, (ten being the best and one being the worst) how do you feel right now?

At the end of the day write in your journal again:-
1. Did you notice a drop in your physical energy at any stage of the day?
2. What happened just before this?
3. Who was around you?
4. How were they feeling?
5. How did you feel today, annoyed, frustrated, sad, angry?
6. What were you doing before you felt this way?
7. Were you surrounded by happy or angry people?
8. Did your mood reflect your company?
9. How do you feel at the end of the day?
8. Physically?
9. Emotionally?
10. Mentally?
11. Spiritually?
12. On a scale of 1 to 10, (ten being the best and one being the worst) how do you feel right now?

As your week progresses with you using the 'Chakra Clearing and Healing' Meditation, notice if there are any changes in your answers.

In Module 2, we're going to look at why your energy field, Chakras and Aura are different to most people. We're going to explore what actually happens to your energy and why. I'll also be giving you a couple of exercises to try and a meditation to download to help begin protecting yourself from other people's energy.

You won't know when to use these tools, unless you start to become aware of your Self. So the journal writing, recording a weeks experiences, is absolutely paramount before continuing. For this reason, please don't go onto Module 2 before you've spent a full week observing yourself.

Once you've completed the week's journal writing, please leave feedback for Module 1. Create a summary of your week's experiences and send them through, by coming back here and clicking on the 'Share Feedback' link (top right). You can choose to make your feedback available for my eyes only or share, so all students can benefit from your experiences during the week. This will mark Module 1 'complete' and let you go onto to Module 2 if you have purchased it.

I look forward to continuing our journey together in Module 2.

Don't forget to return to and download the guided meditation that comes with this file! Search for the product and then click the 'download' tab, which you will only see, when you are logged in to the web site. Relax & Enjoy!

No part of this content may be reproduced without express written permission.