Channelling Intensive Workshop - Part 9

Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Channelling Intensive Workshop' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!

Module: 8 Review

When we begin verbal channelling, as we are grabbing a hold of the energy from our Guides the energy comes in short bursts. Our channelling seems to stop and start again as a result. This is because making our way through the boundaries of our mind is harder when speaking. Look at the words you spoke from last week. Look at them carefully. You may notice the repeat of the same sentence. For example if your word was 'love'. You may notice the first few words were.

"Love is like ripples of sand." "Love is all-encompassing." "Love is a parameter of the Universe."

Notice the repeat of the "love is". This is because in the beginning you are grasping for the energy. In truth, if it was flowing, the true message may have been "Love is like ripples of sand, an all-encompassing parameter of the Universe." As you were trying to grasp the message and your focus was on "what do they want to say about love", your mind kept taking you back to trying to find an answer to the question you were asking. Each time a jolt of energy came through with another concept, your mind added "love is" to the message.

Another challenge with verbal channelling is the warm up and cool down. As I spoke of in the last module, this can occur when you begin and end a session. It can also occur at just the end or the beginning or even in the middle of your session, if there is an interruption. Notice when these times occur. Your information will still be channelled, but will not be as clear. With lots of practise, you will find these times of warm up and cool down decrease somewhat, but they will always be there.

To combat this, some students prefer to use a key to begin and a completion word to finish. For example, they may start every channelled message with "Greetings" and end with "Thank you". As they say this single word, over time, it builds up a prompt to switch on the energy and conclude it. If you are going to use this technique, ensure you use words that you wouldn't normally use.

When you do discover a phrase or section of your session you feel is not 100% pure. Go back to your Guides, after the session and ask what they meant in this section. You may find they provide you with a new sentence, just like written channelling.

Surrender to No Mind

In this module, we'll be focusing on exercises to increase your verbal channelling skills. Just like written channelling, it takes practise to open your channel to it's full potential. So lets open up with some Life Experiments.

Life Experiment 1 – Learn to Speak Before You ThinkAs I said in the last module, one of the most difficult things to accomplish with voice channelling is learning to speak before you think. One of the ways we can improve this ability is by speaking our feelings as they arise, before the mind has had time to analyse them.

One of the easiest ways to do this is with what I call, the I AM Exercise. I would like you to try it a few times before the final module and see how it feels.

The basic idea is to sit in front of a mirror, with no interruptions, making sure you are very comfortable. Look deeply into your eyes and say the words "I AM" followed by a single word that comes to you. You repeat this process over and again for about 5 minutes. The exercise allows you to get in touch with how you are in a single moment. As you repeat the words, you do not have time to think.

You might end up saying "I AM X" (X being whatever you feel in that moment) 10-20 times every 30 seconds. Keep going until words come to you, without you consciously thinking. This normally takes about 5 minutes. This is training your being not to think before you speak.

Life Experiment 2 – Voicing Sound VibrationsEach Chakra has a different sound to activate it. When we make these sounds, we are accessing the energy of a Chakra, without words. We are communicating or stimulating our energy, without mental analysis.

The sounds for the Chakras are:-
OO rhyming with YOU
O as in the O sound of the word Ocean
I, HA or HO
AHHHH like a long sigh
EH like the E sound of the word Excellent
EEEE rhyming with we
Higher Pitched EEEEE

Making these sounds like a mantra helps us to communicate energetically without words. We can use them as a bridge to communicating energetically, without the mind. Before the next module, try a few sessions of sounding out these energetic chords. See where they affect you in your body and how your energy feels as a result. You should sound them out for about 4-10 seconds each.

I have given you access to two recordings which sound out the Chakras. The first one simply goes once through each chord, starting from the Base Chakra and working up to the Crown. Click here to listen to the 7 sounds individually.

The second recording merges the sounds and guides their energy up from the Base, through your Chakras to your Crown and back down again. Each chord is sounded three times. Listen with your eyes closed and feel where you sense the sounds in your body. Click here to listen to the 7 sounds merged.

Life Experiment 3 – Singing in the ShowerThat's right folks, I want you to sing in the shower! When we are in the shower, we are surrounded by the water element. This feeds energy into the Sacral Chakra. When we sing whilst in the shower, we are also activating our Throat Chakra. These two Chakras are really important for Voice Channelling. The Sacral Chakra provides the Throat Chakra with energy and it is this Chakra's energy we use in Voice Channelling.

Better still, don't sing songs you know the words to, make up new words. Sing a story of anything while you shower. In this way, you'll be accessing your spontaneous ability to let words come through you, without thinking about them too much.

Please try this a few times before the next module and let me know how you go in your feedback for the week.

Life Experiment 4 – Crystal MagicCrystals have a profound spiritual connection. Each crystal is like a Divine source of pure lifeforce energy and vibration. When we hold crystals, we naturally channel energy between the two of us. You experimented with this in a previous module. However, we can also think of a crystal as having a spirit or a Soul, just like us. They are a tiny being, existing in their own little world.

When we hold a crystal in our passive hand, we can channel its vibration into us. If we do this with a clear intention, we can literally speak on behalf of the crystal. We can speak in our language, for it. This is a beautiful experience to try, but remember, a crystal does not necessarily communicate in words or English. It communicates in energy transference.

So for a life experiment this week, I'd like you to hold the crystal, but instead of translating the energy of it into words, try making sounds to represent the crystals vibration. When you do this, you'll feel the crystal buzzing away in your hand, as you sound out its vibration.

Always ensure you have the crystals permission. You'll know which crystals want to practise with you, because they will seem like they are shining more brightly and stand out. They are asking to be picked up to work with you!

Give this a try before the next module and bare in mind, you might need to do this with a couple of crystals, to have the full experience of Voice Channelling crystal sound and energy. Let me know how you went in your feedback for this module.

Life Experiment 5 – Channelling a Guide's SoundTo this point we have been focusing on getting information and words from our Spirit Guides. Again, like the crystals, Guides don't really communicate in words. They communicate by energy transference. When we are speaking for them, we are downloading energy and as it flows through our sensory system, we 'hear' words to speak – describing the energy we are feeling.

All of this process involves the mind perceiving the energy and transferring it into language, so we can communicate it. Again the mind is very involved, simply because of what it has to do, to translate the energy into words.

Let's try an experiment without needing to interface the energy in this way. Ask your Guide to come close and instead of formulating words to describe the energy experience, just let sounds come out. Ensure you do this in a place where no one will hear you! You might get some strange sounds! See how your Guide's energy sounds.

Try and do this a few times before the next module and let me know how you went.

Life Experiment 6 – Channelling Visionary ExperiencesAs we spoke of a few modules back, sometimes the information we get while channelling is part of a visionary experience. Here is the example we were speaking of before to remind you.

Before the next module, please try this at least once, more if you have time. Ask your Guide to come close after your meditation. Then ask them to show you something you have never seen before. Ask for a visionary experience. Put your recorder on and speak what you are being shown as you are seeing it. So for example, you might see/ notice:

· A red shoe
· Goblins living within it
· 2 toe nails
· a shoelace
· a fast car
· driving into the sun
· flames exploding
· reaching other stars
· a cup of coffee

Or any other random stuff. Just speak it all out, as you are seeing it. Don't try and understand it, just speak it. Once you have finished the process and your Guide steps back, then listen to your recording and look at the imagery you were shown. See what you think about it! Share your experience in your feedback for this module.

Life Experiment 7 – Channelling Food's EnergyWe all know that good food has positive vibrations. Fruits and vegetables have lovely life force. How is this different to other foods we eat? This week I want you to find out!

Have your recorder with you and record what kind of food you're eating. When you can (obviously not when others are around you!) eat a bite of food and after chewing and swallowing, channel it's sound. You may find an apple sounds like a long AHHHHHHHH. Whereas the pizza sounds like AEWA. Just sound out whatever comes to you.

At the end of doing this for a few things, come back and listen to your sounds. What do you notice? Tell me in your feedback for the module.

All of these Life Experiments will further open your Voice Channelling abilities, so I will ask you to do all of them at least once before going onto the next module. If possible do them more than once to help you get the most out of this class.

I look forward to completing our process with you in the next module.


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