Channelling Intensive Workshop
Part 9 of 10 Student Feedback

Special Note: This sample of feedback was collected back from 2009 to 2013 while students were still able to engage with Avril directly, when this Broadcast was an online class. To help you gain even more from this Broadcast we have included it here, so you can compare your experiences. We have replaced students names with a number or fake name, so you can follow along with their feedback, but so their identifyable personal details can be kept confidential. If you are having a particular experience try searching this page to see if someone else also had the same experience. (Search by pressing 'control' and 'f' keys on a pc or using the search function of your browser to search for keywords on this page.) If you read Avril recommending something and want to try it yourself, just search for a keyword. Enjoy.

Student 2051412 to Avril

Avril to Student 2051412

Student 2051929 to Avril

Avril to Student 2051929

Student 2051929 to Avril
Avril to Student 2051929

Student 2051958 to Avril

Avril to Student 2051958

Student 2052767 to Avril

Avril to Student 2052767

Student 2054511 to Avril

Avril to Student 2054511

Student 2054612 to Avril

Avril to Student 2054612

Student 2054818 to Avril

Avril to Student 2054818

Student 2055749 to Avril

Avril to Student 2055749

Student 2056640 to Avril

Avril to Student 2056640

Student 2056985 to Avril

Avril to Student 2056985

COPYRIGHT © 2009-2013
No part of this content may be reproduced without express written permission.