Channelling Intensive Workshop - Part 7

Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Channelling Intensive Workshop' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!

Module: 6 Review

So how did you go with your creative Life Experiment from the last module? Over time this process can be so rewarding. Up until now we've channelled using only access to our Spiritual Support. This process also allows you to get in touch with the other Counterparts of your own Soul.

For example, if you're having trouble getting in touch with your emotions about something, you can channel the energy of your emotions onto the paper. This helps you to become more in tune with yourself. If your mind won't shut up and you want to settle it, try allowing it to express through this medium. If you need to get some feelings 'out' try channelling them onto the paper. It is one of the most healing tools for channelling students.

If you'd like to go further into this as a process, please try the Spirit Art Classes. Samantha now teaches the method I channelled at Perfect Unison's healing Centre at Curl Curl. When I used to hold these classes myself, it always made me smile to see the wonderful inner growth students had with the process. It deepens your connection with yourself and tunes you into you. It also enhances your mediumship abilities on all levels. It does this because of the massive increase in Sacral Chakra energies. Give it a try when or if the time feels right.

Channelling Lifeforce Energy

In this module our primary focus will be on channelling healing energy. Channelling energy for healing is one of the most beautiful and rewarding skills a channelling student possesses. Bringing enhanced pure life force to another being, is always a positive and uplifting experience for everyone involved.

All things in the Universe have lifeforce. Sometimes our lifeforce can be drained away by certain experiences we encounter. If you've ever felt drained after completing a task and needed more energy, you've felt this lower lifeforce in action.

Lifeforce energy boosts our own natural abilities to maintain a state of grace. When our own cup of life is full, we observe and process all experiences, whether emotional, mental, spiritual or physical, with grace. We see the world positively from all of the perspectives we have within us.

When channelling healing energy, the energy first passes through the channel. As a result, healing should always leave you feeling empowered. If you ever feel drained after a healing session, you have given away your own energy and have not channelled the healing energy. At the same time, you may have tele-empathically picked up the patients energy. Learn more about psychic protection for tele-empaths if you are experiencing this.

Channelled healing energy can boost the lifeforce of any living thing, so it can be used for healing plants, people, animals, mother nature and also for yourself.

Up until now in this class, we've focused on ourselves as being like a tap. We've focused the intention that the top of our tap is plugged into the Divine energies of the Universe. I want you to expand the way you think on this for a moment. Your tap does not just plug into the Divine energies of the Universe. It can also plug into any other living thing and channel the energy from this.

What happens to the other thing you are taking energy from? Most other forms of life in the Universe, understand that energy is abundant. They do not measure things in terms of empty or full or duality-based thinking. When you begin to draw energy from nature, nature takes this energy from somewhere else to fill herself up again. When we draw energy from a crystal for example, the crystal taps into Divine energies, it is connected to and tops itself up again.

Ancient sages, mostly the eastern philosophies, understood these concepts a little more than us in the western world. They understood that we are constantly channelling energy from nature, that we could for example, draw in energies from the elements, like the four directions (Native American Indian) or earth, water, wood, metal and air, (Chinese philosophy). We can also practise philosophies like Reiki, which is fundamentally based on concepts like those of the Shinto religions. These again talk about our connection to nature and how we share energy with her.

In truth we can channel lifeforce energy in to us all the time. We can draw the maximum amount of energy to us from other energy source around us. Every time your pet comes to sit on your lap, there is a channelling of healing energy that takes place, either you are charging up your pet or they are charging you up. This exchange happens all the time. It happens with every single person we ever interact with.

When we focus on giving healing energy, we must ensure we are in a 'full' state. Our own energy system is like that of a cup. Our own cup must be full, to then overflow to another. For this reason, I will ask you to never channel healing energy for others, before you have done so to fill your own cup of life first.

How do you know when your own cup is full? You feel 'full'. Your own energy is so abundant, that it feels natural and effortless to allow this excess to flow onto another. Whenever your own healing energy is limited or it feels like 'hard work' to channel, this is a sign that your own cup needs filling first.

So let us first focus on channelling healing energy from the Divine for ourselves. To help you do this, I want you to create a proxy of some kind. A proxy is a tool that lets you focus on yourself. You may choose a teddy bear, pillow or a picture of yourself. If you want to channel energy into a specific area of your body, you might be better off having a pillow or something that helps you visualise energy going into a specific place. Below is a picture of my own proxy I use for healing work. Notice its Chakras? This lets me focus energy on specific parts of the person I am healing.

Life Experiment 1Bring your hands together like the picture to the right. Let your fingers interlace the way they most naturally feel to. Notice which hand is your passive and dominant hand. Your dominant hand will naturally channel more energy through it in healing. Your passive hand is good for channelling energy out of a persons body i.e. taking out negativity. Both hands can do both, but will be stronger at their natural flow.

Allow yourself to sit quietly. Breathe for about 3-5 minutes and do your tree roots grounding. Tapping deeply into the earth will strengthen the amount of energy that can flow through you.

Keep one hand on the proxy at all times. As you're doing the exercise, notice whether the proxy is drawing lifeforce from your dominant hand or whether you are withdrawing energy with your passive hand, during the process.

Sit the proxy on your lap and make sure you are very comfortable. See the proxy sitting before you. Imagine it is you, lying before you. Visualise one area of the proxy is your head and the other is your feet.

State an intention. Ask your Guides to help you to channel healing energy into this proxy, which is a representative of your own energy and ask that they come close and help you with this endeavour.

Spend about 15-20 minutes in a semi meditative state and notice where your hands feel drawn. Simply place your hands on the proxy in these areas and notice what comes to you as you do this. Notice the feelings in your body. How does your body feel as you give the healing? If there is an area of your body that is unwell, focus here and see what happens. Notice how the energy of your Guides feels, as the lifeforce flows through you. What do you notice?

When finished, ask that the proxy's energy be released from its connection to yours. See the essence of you fading out of the proxy and travelling back into your body through your passive hand (like you are vacuuming your self back into you). Always smudge your proxy afterwards, especially if you will use it for other people and sending healing to them.

Please send your feedback in letting me know what you experienced during this exercise. On another day, try the experiment below.

Life Experiment 2In this experiment, please choose an object that you will wear on this day. Perhaps you might like to choose a piece of jewellery. Do not choose your watch, wallet or mobile phone as the energy may effect these things and stop them working!

Go outside at the beginning of the day and ask the trees around you, if one of them would like to help you with this life experiment. One tree will seem to stand out to you. Go to this tree. It is happy to work with you. Sit down comfortably under the tree, so that you can touch its trunk very comfortably. Place the object in your dominant hand. Place your passive hand on the tree's trunk. Breathe into your body.

Trees are connected to the core energy of mother Earth and the Universal energies of the sun. See the tree's connection to both. Ask the tree to channel energy through it from these sources and to help you charge the object with whatever energies you need for the day ahead.

Breathe in and see the light coming through the tree. Breathe out and charge the object. Do this with your eyes closed. After a few minutes, thank the tree and then slowly open your eyes with a soft gaze. Look at the object in your hand. Notice what you see about it. Then put the object on and wear it for the day.

After this, check in at the end of the day and notice if you had an extra special day! Enjoy!

Let me know how you went in your feedback. Then, on another day, try the experiment below.

Life Experiment 3For this experiment you will need two objects. Please ensure one of them is alive and another is inanimate. You may choose a crystal and a ball of blue tack for example. Place the live object in your passive hand. Place the inanimate object your dominant hand. Breathe the energy through your body and transfer the lifeforce from one thing to the other. Breathe this through for a few minutes and then afterwards notice how the inanimate object's energy changes. Afterwards reverse the process and return the energy to the live object with thanks.

Please tell me what you noticed in your feedback for the week. On another day, try Life Experiment 4.

Life Experiment 4Please acquire a friend (who you have verbally asked and has verbally said yes) to receive some healing from you. Ask your friend to stay seated on a chair and stand behind them, so that you can comfortably rest your hands on their shoulders. Do this out in nature if you can for extra oomph!

Ask your friend to just relax, close their eyes and see what they feel. Tell them that you'll do this for 5 minutes and then you will talk about what happened at the end. Do not try and talk to them while the process is happening.

With your hands on their shoulders, ensure your feet are spread apart, so you have a firm foundation. Visualise your tree roots going down into the earth. Ask your Spirit Guides to come close and to give your friend healing through your channel. Just breathe and notice what you feel. As you breathe in feel the energy washing into you. As you breathe out, see it overflowing onto your friend. Notice what you feel while doing this.

At the end, ask your Guides to step back and thank them for helping. Visualise your tree roots again and when you feel very present, open your eyes and gently and slowly take your hands off your friends shoulders. Give them a moment to come back and perhaps encourage them to breathe deeply. Then discuss what happened in your feedback for the week. What did you and your friend experience?

Life Experiment 5On a calm, clear, sunny day, find a spot in nature where you can lie down undisturbed. Lie down on your back and get very comfortable. Become aware as you breathe gently, how Mother Nature is channelling energy up into the back of your body as you lie there. Feel the energies flowing into you.

After you have experienced this for a while, notice how the suns energies are flowing down onto the front of you.

Feel the energy being channelled to you from Universe and Earth. As the front of your Aura fills with sunlight, see it washing off down the front of your body and see the light dripping down into the earth.

Visualise the earth energies filling the back of your Aura and as it is full, growing like a tree up into the sky. It begins to grow upwards from the top of your head. Just like the Auric Supercharge.

Feel these energies flowing into you as Universe and Earth channel lifeforce into your being. Just allow it to happen. Breathe and enjoy.

Notice how this flow happens for all of nature around you as well.

After a few minutes sit up and write down your experiences. Share these in your week's feedback.

During the week I also want you to begin to notice, when lifeforce is being channelled from one thing to another. Notice when you are giving or receiving energy with others. Start to see this transaction of channelled life force energy occurring all around you. Observe its beauty.

Also revisit the Lightworkers Self Healing Meditation (available again below) at least once this week. Notice how you are channelling energy into you from Nature. Enjoy!

Channelling is now starting to become a part of your ordinary experience more and more. Enjoy the blessings of this.

In the next module, we're going to begin our journey into verbal channelling. I look forward to more adventures with you then.


Don't forget to return to and download the guided meditation that comes with this file! Search for the product and then click the 'download' tab, which you will only see, when you are logged in to the web site. Relax & Enjoy!

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