Channelling Intensive Workshop - Part 6

Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Channelling Intensive Workshop' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!

Module: 5 Review

Allowing yourself to experience everyday life with full presence, can increase your channelling abilities beyond anything you can currently imagine. When we are present, we are open to the full experience of something. There is such richness in a single moment. The single moment encapsulates so many different experiences, feelings, tastes, sensations, sounds, sights etc. If we can practise this in ordinary life, our channelling practice will become this rich with information and experiences. Each single moment will become so filled with 'information' for our senses, that are our channelling becomes all-encompassing. I encourage you to continue with this daily awareness whenever you can.

The words last week may have been a little more difficult to receive. This is because we were trying to see how the hose felt, as the water passed through it! This takes practise, but again allows us to have full awareness or presence of the experience. This modules process will help you further deepen this awareness.

Channelled Bridges

When we allow ourselves to have a full sensory experience while channelling, the amount of energy bridged into the words or physical thing we are doing while we channel, is increased. The maximum amount of energy is linked to the item.

Oftentimes as much as we try and separate our mind from the message of the channelling, it is still very difficult to get information for ourselves or for those we care about. It is also difficult to have clear channelled messages when we have our own issues around the subject we are trying to channel on.

In this module, I will be teaching you a technique that is primarily for your own personal development and brings you a specific technique to channel for yourself. You may also want to use it for others you care about or as a Lightwork service, like Spirit Guide Drawings.

When we are channelling words from Source energy, we are limited by the vocabulary, understanding and personal concepts we currently have, pertaining to the information. So far the techniques I've shown you all use our faculties of left brain logic and resources.

In this module's technique we are switching the sides of our brain and beginning to channel using the right side of the brain.

The right side of the brain primarily deals with feelings and abstract concepts. It is not logical or structured. It has no form, nor beginning and end. It simply is what it 'is' in each moment. It experiences similarly to the way you were consciously present in your experiments from the last module. It brings the totality of experience into play.

When we tap into its energy, we can bring the vast amount of sensory stimulus into the object we are working with. We create a bridge of light that connects the object to our intention. It draws this channelled energy into it, like a bridge crossing into the Divine energies and anchoring the subject into the matter.

For example if you have a piece of jewellery that you wear often and you absolutely love, if another person picked up this jewellery and tried to 'read' the energy from it, they would probably smile. This is because you are constantly channelling the energy of love into it. The energy of love is anchored into the object. If you constantly feel hate about something, then this object would contain hate energy.

When we want to embed the energy of something into our channelled information, we are taking the vibration of the intention and channelling it into the object. When we do this while expressing ourselves artistically, we also use the energies and wisdom of the Sacral Chakra, the place where our inner Divinity lives and draw through this Divine energy.

When we set the intention to download a specific kind of energy, we allow ourselves to download information on it. This then creates a bridge to the wisdom of this experience. As we observe this object afterwards, it contains the energy of the intention. Even if we do not understand this information yet, on a logical level, we still get the experience and can teach ourselves the wisdom, through the contemplation of the object.

Let me give you some examples of this.

Let's say I want to download the consciousness of my most evolved self into a channelled drawing. As I am randomly drawing without thinking, I begin to feel emotions, which are represented by a colour. As I draw this colour, some meaning comes to me about the colour. I let the drawing evolve without thinking about what I am doing and at the end of the session, I stop and analyse what I have done.

This picture then creates a bridge between me and my most evolved self. If I place it somewhere where I am frequently, my energy is bridged to the vibration of my most evolved self and I evolve, simply by looking at it.

The picture below is a recent attempt I have made of this. Relax your eyes and spend a few moments gazing at it. See what you feel when looking at the picture.

Look deeply into the picture and see if you can feel the energy. Feel the bridge. What can you feel?

You can use this technique for any subject you wish to. I'm going to show you many different intentions in picture form. I want you to spend a few minutes softly gazing at each one and simply notice what you feel.

The Intention: What is this person's Animal Totem? Show me their Guide and what the Guide wants to say to them right now.

The Intention: Show me where this person's path is heading now. Where are they on their life path?

The Intention: Show me a message about the energy changes this person is experiencing?

Intention: Show me the energies of Shamballa (the retreat we're building for Perfect Unison students).

Intention: Show me the Guide I am channelling for all 7 books to help me maintain the connection.

Intention: What is the essence of their Spirit Guide?

Intention: Capture the essence of someone you care for on their birthday.

Intention: Capture a connection to the essence of the cosmos itself.

Intention: Show me their Master Guide.

Intention: Show me the I AM Presence Essence of a person.

These pictures contain the essence of each message. They are a bridge on our plane of reality to another existence or experience. As they come through, they are without judgement. They tell a story. The metaphors in the image have meaning. These meanings will be different for all people, depending on their perspective.

Please choose one of the pictures that most speaks to you above and tell me what it made you feel in your feedback. What do you think this picture means with its symbolism? What does it say to you?

You can channel beyond space and time about information you don't know about. The images may come out as forms, colours, shapes, textures, tones, totally abstract, symbols or impressions of feelings. You might get clear forms or not. Let go of the natural thoughts to judge your artistic ability. It's not about the art, it's about maintaining full presence, while doing the art and allowing the energy to flow through you unhindered.

I want you to try this exercise for the week. Please go out and find your local art store. Get some soft pastels (not oil pastels) and the smoothest drawing paper you can.

Spend half an hour in a meditative state and draw what comes to you, based on the following questions. Do one of the five topics below per sitting and try to do one sitting only, in a single day.

Connect in with your Guides energy and try to stay out of your mind and let yourself be creatively inspired. Notice when your mind comes into the process and again re-focus on the energy of your Guide. Where are they around you? Draw what inspires you.

Your intentions/ questions are:-

1. Tell me about the past
2. Tell me about the present
3. Tell me about the future
4. Show me my shadow
5. Show me my I AM presence

In the modules feedback, please describe the picture you drew and how the process unfolded. What visions came to you in what order? Did you find any of these topics difficult?

In the next module we'll be focusing on channelling healing energy, both for self and for others. I look forward to continuing our journey together in Module 7.

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