Channelling Intensive Workshop - Part 3

Special Note: Welcome to the downloadable copy of the old class Avril ran on 'Channelling Intensive Workshop' in 2009. With so much new content coming through from Spirit, Avril is not able to offer feedback with this content any longer, which is why it has been turned into a Broadcast only. You may read references to feedback required throughout these notes, but as this is no longer an online class and is simply offered as a Broadcast of information, you can ignore these prompts. We've left these prompts for feedback in the notes, as they are good indications of when you might want to reflect for yourself and write your experiences in your journal. Enjoy!

Module: 2 Review

Hopefully during the last module's meditation exercise, you've started to develop some lovely awareness's of your Main Guide. This Guide is going to be working with you in channelling and you should now know when they are with you, using the signals, subtle sensations and feelings you got, from last weeks meditation journey.

As you work with channelling, your Spirit Guides will change over time, when you're ready to embody new levels of energy. Each time you 'graduate' and get an upgrade in your vibration, you will have a new Guide who comes to work with you. Use this meditation every time you go through the normal 4-6 week period of Guides changing. You'll know this is happening because you will feel lost, after a period of really feeling like you 'had it all together'. At these times everything will feel out of sorts and you won't know what's going on within yourself. Your vibration is being raised up a notch and you're not quite able to reach your new Guides energy yet.

Every time you get a new Guide, they will have new signals for you. You'll have to spend some time learning each other's language. Last Module's meditation journey is great for those periods, to enhance your communication with your new Guide and help you to integrate their higher vibrational energy, much more quickly.

You were given 5 words last week. Here is what the Guides tell me these words are linked to.

Andronicus. - "A special realm in the 66th dimension, dedicated to those who share the light. Eons of age and wisdom reside here, as the Divine library of knowledge here, is open to all. Those who seek, shall find their insights in this sacred mystery school. Tall beings, in your measurements, are the watchtowers of knowledge and wisdom. In their navy blue ray, they shine like mini-lighthouses. Glowing golden eyes meet those who wish to discover the power within."

Feat-her – is a name for a special Faire Realm. "Lightness and brightness of the faire folk share their blessings from here. In Ireland a sacred Elemental Kingdom near the border of Wales. Here enchantment still lives on, in the hearts of the faires and the folk who here reside. We can connect with you anywhere and we share the magic of 'you', with all who wish to see. Invoke your magical light and it is us, who shall receive your call. Remember to play and lighten your Soul and all will be well in your world and ours."

Larconial – a beautiful Guide who heals the hearts of humanity. "Greetings. Connected to the ray of the Sirius star, I am a Master of my realm. I am a Guide for yours. My vibration stretches like a sea of green, over your world and opens those, whose hearts are willing. I am the seeker of the truth for your Self. As you connect in with my energy, it shall spring forth the blockages in your heart and open the doors to your own sacred inner temple of wisdom. I am the light of your potential and I am guiding all of your beings forward, into the love in your heart, right now. Open to me and I will show you how to open to your omnipresent light."

Junious – a playful Guide who reminds us to be lighthearted. "I am Junious, playful trickster of the stars. Be careful not to take yourself to seriously Dear Ones, for life is meant to be an adventure and adventures are meant be fun. Learning is a state of moving from one place to another. The distance between the two is where you'll find your deepest satisfaction. Be careful not to overindulge the places within you, that wish to be orientated, with where you are going. Let go of the outcomes and play through the delightful experience of each moment. Richness in all of its forms are available to you now, if you seek to find the truth in my wisdom."

Ronael – an Angelic Guide who shares lovely wisdom. "Angelic wisdom blesses you all. You are the wisdom of the golden ray of Antares. Each of you 'Earth Angels' are shedding your light in ways beyond the possibilities, even we, could imagine. The impact of your courage and strength are phenomenal, for what you influence is beyond your realm. Your light is spilling over into the realms around you and the love that you each are, is activating in this world and the next. You are sharing the brilliance of your beings with the Universe and in turn, the Universe is blessing every open heart. You are our delight and we watch with such pride and gratitude, for your opening divinity. It takes great courage to be that which you are. Never forget how powerful you really are."

Remember these concepts I've brought through are based on my perception and my own filters. Yours will be too. You may have seen images of the realms, felt the feelings there, heard some words regarding the place or the beings there, anything is possible. Notice what you got. Notice how it came to you. Notice when the flow of energy came through you, when it stopped, when it was hard to grasp. Think back.

How do you receive? Did you experiment with this last week? If you did, good on you. Keep practising with this and if you can, accept everything you can, from what is offered in your life, throughout the rest of the class. Enjoy the blessings of receiving.

Clarifying Filters

In this module, we're going to look more deeply at filters and how they affect our channelling endeavours.

Firstly, let me say that all great channels have filters. It is impossible for them not to. If all published channels did not have filters, every single channelled book would say the same thing! Our perceptions and the way we filter the information is unique to us and allows us to share things, in our own unique way. Those who resonate with us will be drawn to our work.

How do we know when something is channelled and when it is the voice of the individual? It is sometimes easier to see things for others than for ourselves, so let's start by analysing other people's work.

I've scanned a random page from 'The Pleiadian Tantric Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin'.

If you click on the preceding link, you'll notice on this scanned image, I have cut out sections of the page. We're going to talk about each section. But first I wanted you to see the whole page to get an idea of what the book is about. Take a moment to read it before continuing.

Is the above section channelled? What do you think? How do you know what is channelled and what is not? Really read the words of the above.

Are they coming from the context of 'I'?

The author is describing an experience she is having.

In the last module we spoke of channelling, as recording the energy experience you are receiving, as it is coming through your channel. You are the hose. In the example above, she is recording information as it is coming into her perception or flowing through her hose.

In the beginning, visions may come to you, just like in this experience above. Whilst the above is not word for word channelled doctrine and is absolutely filtered by her perception of the experience, it is in a sense channelled! It comes from somewhere else beyond herself.

Now if this is true, then isn't every description of every single thing you experience channelling? If I say 'I am walking to the shops and I can feel the energy in my body as each strong step guides me ever closer towards the corner store'! Is this channelling? The answer is no of course! So what is the difference?

In the example of me walking to the shop, the description is coming from inside me, not outside of me. In Example 1 above, she is clearly being shown something Divine. You're not going to walk into the Goddess Erotica at the shops, well probably not! These experiences are not every day experiences. They are beyond the normal experience the average person has here.

If I ask my Guides for the same information about the concepts they were showing the author above, here is what they give me:

"You are each, as bright as a single stars light. You flow like booming waves of brilliance into the consciousness of All. As you expand others contract, a symphony of movement and sound, for all to enjoy. The heavens playout as such. The stars, planets and all the Souls in the Universe, enjoy this cosmic dance. Yin and yang working together to create harmony. Each of you are in this drama of existence now, dancing as the Light Beings you are. Sharing your presence to enrich the cosmic symphony. In this way, you are one with all in the Universe and together we are one with another."

If this information is regarding the same question, which is what I asked for specifically, how is my information different than the authors? Is one of us a better channeller than the other? I would say no. No channel is better than another. Each channel works based on their own experiences. They channel for their subject and their author.

This book is targeted (by Spirit) at helping a lot of Lightworkers who feel disconnected from the world and have found out about Light Beings and their Divine Birthrights. It seeks to connect them with their Divinity, so they may find it in others and then feel the peace of connection to others, in our world. So for the author, the definitions she is given are very important.

She has found concepts like Elohim and Christ and these are the names she gives to describe an experience she is having. For me the idea of a conscious awareness, which is all-reaching and all-knowing can simply be described by the terms, Universe or Light. I perceive the energy and I place my interpretation into it.

This impression above was given to the medium to help her understand completely, what she would be expressing. You cannot teach others what you do not know yourself.

So is it channelled? Absolutely. Is it 100% pure? No.

Let's look at another part of the same page. It is the same kind of information as above, but now, in parts, she is clearly identifying what the visions she was shown, mean to her. These sections are not as channelled because they come more from her own experience and interpretation. It is about "I".

Now the author does something very important in the next orange sections 3,4,5. She identifies when a message is coming from Spirit word-for-word. It is very important to be honest about when the author identifies the material as 'pure' channelled material and when it is not. These kinds of messages are the ones you'll start to develop over the next few modules – word-for-word quotes on what you're receiving through your hose.

Starting from the paragraph where it says "You… and continues, here the author is communicating this is a direct quote from a Spiritual being who identifies himself to her as the "Holy Father".

When you are trying to work out whether something is channelled 'purely'. First ask yourself:-

1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?

Next we ask are there any perceptive filters?
1. Are there any labels in this message? A label is a persons perspective. Someone may call the Universe, 'God'. We each label things based on our understanding.

Sometimes we can drop off while reading legitimate channelled material simply because it does not resonate with us. This can happen, but most of the time, it should meet the criteria above.

Message 3 has the label of 'Holy Father'. It is also far more complicated than it should be. The Guides she is working with are trying to say. Congratulations on helping consciousness evolve, by being open to Universal energies. We're all growing. We're all one.

Why might channellled messages come through more complicated than they could be? We complicate them! Either because we don't have a full grasp of a subject or because we're trying to sound intelligent and have self-worth issues to work through or because we think spiritual truth is more complicated, than the simplicity, it really is. It may also be for social reasons, which I'll explain more about in a few moments.

Here in our plane we work with a linear 3d mind awareness. It must have form and logic and structure. It makes sense that as we try and interpret the energy we receive in channelling, we must 'form it' through our linear understanding. My numbered levels of dimensions are an example of this. You don't really arrive at a door that says welcome to the 6th dimension! But having this levelled system, even though we know it is not really like that, helps our linear brains to understand. We use it, but we know it is not pure channelled information or truth.

So is Example 3 channelled, absolutely! Is it clear, yes much clearer than most. Apart from a little complication, which only the author could analyse herself and know why it came through that way, it's got a beautiful channelled message.

Example 4

What about this example? Is it easier to read than the one above? What do you identify with it from our criteria?

1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?
7. Are there any perceptive filters?
8. Are there any labels in this message?

What do you think? Please let me know in your feedback for the module.

Example 5

In Example 5, what do you identify with it from our criteria? Please let me know what you think in your feedback for the module.

1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?
7. Are there any perceptive filters?
8. Are there any labels in this message?

I've scanned a random page from ' The Nature of Personal Reality by Jane Roberts'. If you click on the preceding link, you'll notice on this scanned image, I have cut out a section of the page. We're going to talk about this section. But first I wanted you to see the whole page to get an idea of what the book is about. We'll call this example 6.

How does this passage go with our criteria?

1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?
7. Are there any perceptive filters?
8. Are there any labels in this message?

Do you notice that this passage is very complicated? Is it hard to read, follow the concepts and stay present with the information. This author has sold millions of books worldwide. She channelled this material in the 70's. At this time, spirituality was much less accepted than it is now. Can you imagine the courage she must have had to have, to come out with one of the first channelled series of books ever written? Can you imagine how much she would have wanted to validate what she was receiving? She might have subconsciously wanted to make it sound intellectual. Can you feel how this comes across in her channelling endeavours?

Here is another example. Click here to read it in context. We'll call this example 7.

Can you stay present while reading this one or do your thoughts drift off? Can you feel the battle raging with her? Does it feel positive, uplifting and empowering?

Jane Roberts used to have a beer to get her in the mood for channelling. She also used to take breaks and smoke cigarettes. Whilst I have no issue with either of these things, they definitely both lower your vibration to a more toxic state. Can you feel the toxicity in the message?

The wisdom we can channel is affected by our state. The channel is filtered. The message is still beautiful, but it is more complicated than it needs to be.

As we continue with another passage from Jane.

Can you again feel the intellectualisation, complication and structure? Her energy is filtering the core message from its pure state. The information is wonderful, but it is not 'pure' channelled information. We'll call this example 8.

Understand that part of what Jane has brought through, may also be the result of how Spirit wanted to communicate through her channel. It was suitable for the times, as discussed above.

Let me know what criteria you think example 7 and 8 meet in your feedback for the module.
How does this passage go with our criteria?
1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?
7. Are there any perceptive filters?
8. Are there any labels in this message?

I am showing you these examples, so you will understand two things. Number 1, even the most famous and well-known channels still have filters. Be aware of this. Number 2, give yourself a break! If famous channels still have filters, you can too! It is a fact, that most published channelled authors wouldn't have a clue, they still filter. You have a unique and added advantage to get even clearer than them, by starting out with this awareness.

Let's look now at a published author, who released her work later on, Sanaya Roman. Click here to read a sample. We'll call this example 9.

How does this passage go with our criteria?
1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?
7. Are there any perceptive filters?
8. Are there any labels in this message?

Does this passage feel very different? I bet it does. How does it feel different to you? Please let me know in your feedback for the module.

Let's try another author. What do you notice about Franz Hartmann's work in example 10?

How does this passage go with our criteria?
1. As I read this, do I feel compelled to keep reading or does my awareness drop out in any parts as I am reading it?
2. Does this message leave me feeling empowered?
3. Does this message leave me feeling like I have free will?
4. Does this message leave me feeling peaceful?
5. Does it tell me something I didn't already know, or say it in a way I didn't currently see?
6. Is it saying the message as simply as it can be said, in a way that requires no extra thought from the reader?
7. Are there any perceptive filters?
8. Are there any labels in this message?

Please review these passages and let me know what you think in your feedback for the module.

This week I want you to purchase some Destiny Cards. These are cards with a single word on them. They cost about $9.95 and can be picked up from most bookshops. If you don't want to buy them, go through your dictionary and write down about 20 words. Put them in a hat and randomly pick one out each time you do the exercise.

Please do not read the word for the day until the moment you're about to start channelling on it. If you read it too soon before you start channelling, your mind will have had lots of time to get in the way and 'help'!

After your meditation, try the same process as last week for these words. Ask 'what can you tell me about X?' Then, channel on the word. Do this for at least 5 days this week. In your feedback, type the word you pulled and then what came to you.

Your meditation process this week is called 'A Lightworkers Self Healing' It will help you begin to draw in much more energy through your channel and get the flow of the channelled information, coming through much more strongly. Please try and do this meditation at least 5 times before embarking on the next module.

In the next module, we're going to be working to enhance your knowledge of filters even more. See you for more adventures then!


Don't forget to return to and download the guided meditation that comes with this file! Search for the product and then click the 'download' tab, which you will only see, when you are logged in to the web site. Relax & Enjoy!

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